Survey scam!


I shop regularly at this Walmart. So one day I noticed a receipt had "Complete online survey to be entered in a drawing" - so I did it online, as they required. Later, I received a text message on my cell phone that I had won a $1,000 gift card! - - — - - - - Don't get so excited because it is a SCAM! A fraud! It is BOGUS! They direct you to a website - - to enter your personal info and then you read the 'Terms', which states you must accept "offers" on the website in order to get your 'reward'. The offers all involve paying something or joining some magazine/book club or some other such NONSENSE!!!

I did NOT win anything but I did develope a strong dislike for Walmart now... Do NOT tell me I won something, when in fact, all I got was a headache because this little program is geared to only get you to spend money and you will never never never never never never got that so-called 'reward' of a $1,000 gift card. GET REAL, Walmart - right now you are lame. Oh, yeah, did anyone see the stink about Walmart bridery in Mexico...? Hhhhmmmm, truth is beginning to come out about Walmart... Never trust a company that attempts to elevate themselves by making it appear they care about everyone - calling employees "associates" is really condescending because everyone knows they schedule the work so that the help works just enough so Walmart doesn't have to pay any benefits... Sam Walton must be spinning is his grave, God rest his soul. I am now going to try to never never never never never never again shop at Walmart. It may hurt my pocket book a little but this experience has really pissed me off royally!!! Mad as Hell

Company: Walmart
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Dallas
Address: dallas hwy
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Walmart Gift Card
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Walmart Offer For Free $1000 Credit Card If I Joined Doubleday Book
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Walmart Gift Card
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Central subscription service
WALMART 1000 dollar gift card i did a survey online to win a 1000 walmart gift card i had to buy magazines in order to receive the card, i return i get a select your gift 1000 shoping spree which a home based operation THIS IS A R coon rapids, MN

Consumer Report

Walmart Gift Card
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