Family Adoption Services
Rick l. Wyatt, mandy mussleman adoption, stealing kids, unethical, teenage, family law, human interest, social issues, mentally unstable, disasters, rick, l wyatt


This is important because these children were "Swept" away from their family in one of the most Unbelievable ways you could ever imagine. Their 17 year old Mentally Unstable Mother was able to sign them up for Adoption right under her family's nose. After reading this Family's story you will be aware of why we need all the support we can get.

Here is their story as told by Their Grandmother... We want to get this exposed and while doing so perhaps it may help others that face similar issues or may not know that these issues exist. We Hope That legislation will restructure some of the laws when it comes to Teens and Adoption so this type of thing doesn't happen to other families, although it happens quite frequently. I am the parent of a 17 year old daughter who happens to be the mother of two children.
She has suffered from mental health issues since she was about 12 which has a lot to do with her being a mother at such a young age. We have been seeking help for her, my family and I are there for her and the children. Well on Jan 28th my daughter was raped at gunpoint by 4 men, Of course this devastated us.
After the rape We immediately sought counseling as she began acting out and not like herself. It got so bad that we came to the conclusion that she may need In-patient care AGAIN. So I called our local mental health hospital for adolescents and was told I had to wait a couple of days until they were able to get a bed for her. On feb 9th my daughter disappeared with the children I called her constantly on her cell phone to see where they were finally she called me back and stated that she was at a good friend of hers house and asked could I come and get her, I did.

We discussed her taking the kids and leaving without my consent due to her mental state and she was told not to do it again. Fast forward to feb 14th I wake up in the morning and go to my daughters room and realize that she and the children are not there, again I try calling her but get no answer. As I stated earlier due to her mental state I became worried and filed a police report.

Later that evening my daughter was found at the bus station getting ready to board a bus without her children. I came to pick her up while the police held her there. She tells me that she has signed adoption papers on her children and that they are gone.
I was shocked but I know in the state I reside that there is a 5 day period to withdraw an adoption consent I mention it to her and she tells me that she signed the papers back on feb 9th. She told me that she had texted the adoption agency and told the coordinator that she lied about everything she told them and that she wanted her kids back of course she was told it was too late.

My daughter was admitted into the hospital and upon explaining to the nurse what my daughter did she stated that after being raped my daughter was not in her right mind and that this happens to people that experience a traumatic event. I have a letter from the doctor that states she is suffering from PTSD and Major depression from being raped. She called the adoption agency to explain but to no avail. I called also to explain and again to no avail. They are not budging.

Even though the law allows them to sign these papers and they have a child does not make them capable of making such a serious decision. These agencies give the girls money and gifts, (my daughter was given these things, which is AGAINST THE LAW, (A Class C Felony) and can be considered as "BUYING CHILDREN". She also Never showed any Identification or anything stating who she or the children were!

Not to mention She was allowed to sign the papers in front of (their Notary) with NO I. D! They Use very persuasive Tactics including telling them this is what they need to do to make a better life for their kids and making them feel as though since they are Teens this is the only choice. A lot of times the Teen's parents are supporting the teen and the baby, at least in this case that's how it is. Parents of the teens are not notified and they don't have to be.

At 16 and 17 you can't legally sign a contract for anything EXCEPT to sign over rights to your children!!! Some laws need to be changed. They should have to check to make sure the girls are mentally competent at least.

Of course these girls aren't going to say "oh yes I have mental issues" A lot of them don't really understand what they are doing, they don't know how hard it is to fight the system to get your babies back. So I want to expose these agencies and maybe help someone else not have to endure what we have had to endure. Please understand that in NO WAY are we against Adoption when it is needed for children that are in NEED of a Family but, this is not the case with OUR girls.

We just want them home, our family is suffering horribly due to this Shocking event. We are now forced to pay thousands of dollars in legal fee's in an effort to bring OUR girls home. Mr. Rick L. Wyatt (the agency owner) can stop this whole thing at anytime if he had a heart and wanted to He would rather fight us, I guess his greed for financial gain is much bigger than his heart.

These agencies receive upwards of 30,000 or more for each child they are able to gain custody of... You Do The Math. Sure my daughter may have told some untruths due to her mental condition, (which she later admitted to) but a Reputable company that cared about the well being of children as well a their clients, would have gone through great lengths to verify any information that was given to avoid trouble during the process... THEY DID NOT.

The worst part is knowing that these two children age 2 and 3 were "Ripped" from their family and there is no telling what is running through their innocent minds. To whomever is reading this, when you lie down at night and say your prayers please add a small one for our family as we certainly do need and are thankful for each and every one of them!

Company: Family Adoption Services
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Homewood
Address: 2010 Lancaster rd, Homewood al
Phone: 2054146003
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