Consumer Report


After finding this charge on my debit card, I WAS able to get this refunded through sw-mail.Biz. I went to the website. (Make sure you put in the hyphen and that it's dot biz.) There I found a "contact us" link. Asked them why a $4.99 charge appeared on my card. The next day I received a reply saying that they would reverse it. (check your junk mail, thats where I found the email reply). On 4/10, I'm happy to say the charge had been reversed.

Company: Sw-Mail.Biz
Country: USA
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123 Privacy Matters
This company charged my credit card without my consent

Winley Marketing
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Unauthorized charge

Conscious Dating Network
Identity theft

Tif Jewelry Store
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Leanlife Pm

Hms Blue / Voiptalk
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Dried Poppies
Unresponsive to my emails

Andrew Taylo
Consumer Report