Consumer Report


I was told that i was ashured to win some high price & quality items when i bid on them. Well this is just as bad as beezid i think, the same product remains up for action atleast 4 o 5 hours when the clock keeps counting down from 14seconds. The worst part is i think there also rigging the action so that it keeps goin higher on price and people waste there time. Pluss there connection is realy bad i kept getting of my action cuz of it and when chated with coustomer support im was refered to read terms of service how shady is that. Even just right now checked to see what was the status of a compliant email items that had 1:30: 45 (not exact just example) had been sold before plasma tv that has been there more than a hour just pisses me of more. I want what i was ashured to get when i sigened up and other people not to get hustled like me. Hope to get some sort of results in the near future

Company: ZBiddy
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deerfield Beach
ZIP: 33442
Address: 2200 SW 10th St
Phone: 8779243390
Site: zbiddy.com
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Beezid.com this site needs to be investigated. Some thing is wrong when it goes from 1 second to win to 14 seconds more on the clock. Big ripoff... Ebay is safer

Fraudulent, a scam, a ripoff, stay away!

Beezid.com Bid War, Bot Bidder, Price manipulation

Bid Gunne
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Penny auction Beezid took the money in my account and gave to another person

Misleading Website!

Beezid.com, Penny Auction Site