Slim Pilot / Fat Guide / Weight Couselor / Diet Leade
Consumer Report


A monthly payment has been taken out of my credit card account since 07/22 for $9.95 USD.
Last payment was taken out 16/04.
Haven't signed up to anything and don't seem to be able to stop this.
Can only think of completely closing my credit card account which I may have to do and then hopefully they won't be able to take money out from anywhere else.
Someone is getting a lot of money with these scams.

Company: Slim Pilot / Fat Guide / Weight Couselor / Diet Leade
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
ZIP: 78731
Address: 3571 Far West Blvd, #261
Phone: 8885548597
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FIT Mentor 888-315-0504, Diet Coach 888-878-9411, Fat Guide, SlimPilot
Consumer Report

Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Lean Slim Ultra / Lean Slim Cleanse
Consumer Report

Lean Slim Ultra / Lean Slim Cleanse
Consumer Report

Caralluma extreme
Unauthorized diet pills and charge

Lean slim ultra
$140 have now been take from my account

Billing with asf

Aspire Visa
Ripoff Changing the statement closing date in order to make it appear payments are late