Perfect Select Rewards
Consumer Report


They contact you to sit through a travel presentation so that you can get 2 free airline tickets then in order to redeem them they send you through this complicated, convoluted process AND you have to pay registration and processing fees of at least $100 which means that the tickets are not really free. Then if you fill out one of the numerous forms incorrectly or send it beyond the very strict unreasonable and unrealistic deadlines they then void your certificate but never call or tell you. I had to get on the internet and find a phone number to call the company just so that they tell you that your form is void. They are perfectly happy to sit on your money for weeks on end if you don't hunt them down like a dog to try to get a refund. This company is nothing but a big scam.

Company: Perfect Select Rewards
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Lake Havasu City
Address: 151 Riviera Blvd., #B201
Phone: 9288542508
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Perfect select rewards
Company is a complete scam

Global Travel/Millenium Travel
Pay for your "Incentives"

Global Vacation Network
Deceptive promises of free airline tickets and car rental that are impossible to claim once you have you said no to their offiers

Oracle Travel Promotions
Consumer Report

VIP Travel
SCAM: award of "TWO ROUND TRIP AIRLINE TICKETS" plus complimentary "Rent-A-CAR"

Wonderland Incentives, Grand Incentives, Celebrity Productions Free Roundtrip AIrline Tickets Scam

Oracle Travel Promotions
Consumer Report

Oracle Travel Promotions
Consumer Report

Millenium Travel And Promotions
Millenium travel and promotions is a complete scam and ripoff

Dynamic Premium Incentives
Consumer Report