Wellness Career & Partners
Consumer Report


They posted an Administrative position on Craiglist in which I applied. I received an email back from Shannon Pierce and followed her instructions. When asked to do a credit check I did and then was ask to to a survey on their facebook page. I decided to goole the company and have just learned of all the other complaints. My infomation is just out the for some low life to steal and as bad as the economy their is people like this preying on those that are unemployed searching for employment. Something needs to be done about this!

Company: Wellness Career & Partners
Country: USA
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Employment Express Pro Career Network
Employment Express Pro / Career Network Soliciting for Non-Existant Positions

Clayton Careers & Partners
Consumer Report

Pickens Solutions Inc
Shawn Pickens, I was solicited via email for employment as a secret shopper. Was sent a MoneyGram for $900. To cash

Career Network, Inc
Career Network is a bogus company. They send emails about possible employment to people who are in desperate need of a job. So far, nothing has happend to me other than receiving the emails, but these are jobs that don't exist

Wellman Careers & Partners
Consumer Report

Career Network
They claimed (several times) to have the perfect position I was searching for

Image Employment


Career Network, Greg Klein
Pam Rutherford Job posting spam

Career Network, Inc/Orlando, FL
Career Network, Inc: Michael Brown / The Career Corner: Flavia Moraiss Craiglist Con, Orlando