Elenas Models
Personal Experience of scammer notice from Quality Control


I would like to report a very similar incident that I experienced while using Elena`s Models site. I was in correspondence with a model. We used both the site and personal email. I would leave messages for her on the site and I admit to see if she had been on line. One day I clicked on her profile and got the message that the file had been deleted and the person did not exist. To make a long story short I believed Elena`s site and gave my new found sweetheart the 3rd degree. I broke her heart and she told me her side.

I hope that we can repair the damage and restore the trust and confidence that was lost.

Company: Elenas Models
Country: USA
Site: elenasmodels.com
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Elenas Models
Elena Gold, Elena Solomon, Elena Petrova, Defective Ethics, Queensland

One-sided/biased/ethnically backward

Elena's Models (www.elenasmodels.com)
Elena's Models Discriminiation and Prejudice against Nonwhite men Queensland

Elena's Models
Blacklisted Website: Scammer Corruption and Deception, Queensland

Elenas Models
Scams Women, Elena's Models, Queensland

Elena's Models (www.elenasmodels.com)
Elena's Models Racism of Elena's Models

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Is a Scammer Robaina Town

Elena Petrova/Solomon (www.womenrussia.com)
How To Find and Marry a Girl Like Me! Bigoted and Racially Backward, Nothing Special

Elenas Models
Your on your own

Elenas Models, Elena Ivanova
Elena, Ivanova also known as Helen Offered marriage, visited for 3 months, returned to Russia for marriage visa, and offered to pay me back for round trip tickets, landed, same day emailed me saying she had another man waiting for her. Ekaterinburg