Derma Science and Nuvisage
Consumer Report


I added a complaint on the above yesterday - cancelled my visa debit card and asked the bank to check any transactions for March - 2 more debits by the above organisations and I have now lost $499.00AU. I read with alarm that 1 customer cancelled her credit card but it did not stop the unauthorised debits. Can't this website be closed down? This is breaking the law and they must be held accountable someway. I think I will refer this to our Federal Police. I doubt if returning the unwanted jars will result in a refund so I think I will hold onto them - at least I have something for my money. Has anyone been successful with getting a refund?

Company: Derma Science and Nuvisage
Country: USA
Phone: 8552562876
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Derma Science and Nuvisage
Consumer Report

Derma Science
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Skype Communication
2 Charges totaling almost $130.00

NuVisage and DermaScience
Consumer Report

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Unauthorised debit on credit card, unauthorised access to checking account ripoff

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Bibit internet BUNNICK
Unauthorised AMEX card debits x2 November 09.internet

Nu Visage
Consumer Report
Fraudulant debits