Consumer Report


In December /11 and January/12 several charges were made on my credit/debit card. I was not aware of the charges unti9l I treviewed my bank statement. I didn't review it carefully until a later date when going over my budgetin relation to expenditures. When I founsd these charges, I immediatelyreported them to my bank who subsequently restored my account. Now comes a letter from the bank stating that the "merchant" has provided information that would negate my claim and that I need to respond with why I am disagreeing.
Bank gave me their phone number, but I was not able to get through due to heavy calling load. I was also provided with the dmerchant informaation which consisted of six (6) order numbers and a web site to investigate the numbers. That site is I used my name and one order number on that site - response was that such order number and name could not be found. I reported to bank and that's when they gave me the merchant phone number: 952.392.2584. From Virginia, no 1 is needed in dialing.
Hope this information will help other "victims".

Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
ZIP: 33155
Address: 6800 SW 40th St, Suite 642
Phone: 8666088182
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Skype bank charge and no contact phone numbers to resolve it!

Consumer Report

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