EZ Eyes
Consumer Report


I ordered a keyboard and after waiting two months, my account was charged $61.70. I called them because I had not received it and they said that they had the address wrong and will reship it. Also, that they would put through a credit for $38.80. Weeks later, the credit was put through but I still did not receive the keyboard.

Company: EZ Eyes
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Wallingford
ZIP: 06494
Address: P.O. Box 3179
Phone: 8888112933
Site: getezeyeskeyboard.com
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EZ Eyes Keyboard
Consumer Report

EZ Eyes Keyboard
Consumer Report

EZ Eyes
Consumer Report

Eze eyes keyboard
Consumer Report

EZ Eyes Keyboard Company
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

EZ Eyes Keyboard
Consumer Report

EZ Eyes
Consumer Report

EZ Eyes keyboard keys don't work
Consumer Report

Company that sells EZ Eyes Keyboard
Consumer Report