Mr. Cashman V, c/o Contest America Publishers, Inc
Consumer Report


I received a letter with a document with a check at the top which asked for my signature. On the back there are 3 tic tack toe appearing games, the first two he asks for $10.00, and the third is free. I was suspicious, and so I did some research. This site revealed that it is a scam. No one needs to lose $10.00 theses days, and it makes me so angry there are so many scammers out there, I hope this helps one person avoid it. Always check out everything.

Company: Mr. Cashman V, c/o Contest America Publishers, Inc
Country: USA
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American Sweepstakes Publishers, A.s.p
Cap, src, mr. Cashman, Award Processing Center, Special Report Confirmation, APC, API, NAAC Look Who'se Cashing Your Checks

Mr. Cashman v, contest America Publshers inc
Consumer Report

Contest America Publishers, Inc
CAP, Mr, Cashman VI, Financial Security Awards II, Monetary Funding Awards, Awards Processing Center SUPER SCAMMER! — beware!

Mr. Cashman V c/o Contest America Publishers, Inc
Consumer Report

Mr. Cashman V c/o Contest America Publishers, Inc
Consumer Report

Contest America Publishers
We don't get anything of value for free - do not be doped!

Contest America Publishers, Inc
Strike-it-rich x rip-off by contest america publishers, inc. Thank you Report

Publishers Clearing House Scam: Martha Sterart Living Contest 3rd Place Scam
Publishers Clearing House Scam Martha Sterart Living Contest 3rd Place Scam Close call with very authentic looking prize letter, be ware

Contest America Option Document
Consumer Report

Contest America Publishers, Inc
Ripoff, deceivers and cheaters! Thank you Report!