My Home Support
Consumer Report


As the same as several others, I went to this company for a loan modification after I was told that my previous lender had 21 counts of falsified documents on my contract. They took $1495 from my checking account, using a voided check that I sent to them as verification. They manipulated the check to look like it was pre-printed and signed by me. I tried calling them after not hearing for several weeks, and their phones/faxes/emails/websites appeared to be down. I just called the # again and now it states that the business has been ceased by legal order. Now, I'm trying to get the $ back from my bank and still have to deal with being months behind on my mortgage.

Company: My Home Support
Country: USA
State: California
City: Newport Beach
ZIP: 92660
Address: 4000 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite #900
Phone: 9497834100
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Omni Law Associates / Legal Assistance Group / Law Associates
Consumer Report

AmeriStar Foreclosure Solutions, LLC / Bill Ray
Ameristar Stole $400 and almost cost me my house

Chase Home Finance
Chase Home Affordable Modification Program - Chase Home Affordable Modification Program

Omni Law Associates / Legal Assistance Group / Legal Law Associates
Consumer Report

Peter Mills US Mitigation Services
Richard Moore, Diane Mills Took my money 350.00 promised to modify my mortgage never did now they will not give me my money back theya re refusing to take my calls they said they would give me a refund if they did not modigy my

The Loan Modification Team
This company is misleading and a bunch of liars!

21 century legal services
Loan Modification Scam

National Modification Preparation
Consumer Report

Legal Loan Review
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PNC Mortage, PNC Bank
National City Bank, Nation City Mortgage Illegal Mortgage Practice, Unethical Mortgage Practices, PNC does not abide by ANY State or Federal regulation