Saint Matthew's Churches


Same here. Been getting letters from them for over 2 years. A few times things said did make since to me. Somethings did come true in my life after reading these letters & doing what they said.

I did get a raise at work and get to work more. But my health is not good. My love life has not got any better.

Yes more women have come around, but no one has but truthful, faithful to me. The one person i truely care about along with her daughter has stopped talking to me.

Does not call. Does not talk to me when she comes to my job. So i am a little up in the air about things. But it started out 5.00 then 10.00.

Then 15.00 20.00,30.00,44.00,52.00,108.00. The bad thing is i did send money to them. I have even sent a few checks. But when it takes a month for a check to come through the bank.

Something is wrong. So i dont know. I feel that if god wants money from me then whatever i can give i can give. If any one knows of a help group, please let me know.

Company: Saint Matthew's Churches
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
Address: P.O. BOX 22065
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Saint Matthew's Churches
Oklahoma And Saint Matthew's Churches Baltimore These people have been frauding us since May. They use prayer request and they tell you to sow a seed and they give you different amounts. Ripoff

Saint Matthew's Churches

Saint Matthew's Churches
Rip-off annoying almost harassing sending letters almost every day for two years with big time money scam rip-off scam liars

Saint matthew's church
Please Dont Be Deceived

Prayer By Letters - Saint Matthew's Churches
Prayer By Letters: Saint Matthew's Churches rip-off! They took advantage of my handicapped son

Saint Matthew's Churches
Trying to get me to give them money

Saint Matthew's Churches - Prayers By Lettrs
Saint Matthew's Churches-Prayers By Lettrs ripoffs, liars, scam artist

Prayer By Letters - Saint Matthew's Churches
Ripoff! Tulsa, Oklahoma

Saint Matthew's Churches - Prayer by Letters
Saint Matthew's Churches-Prayer by Letters Wanting a "Seed Gift to God's work

Prayer By Letters-saint Matthew's Churches
Ripoff-i gave $20.00 each time i got a letter and it adds up to about $620.00