Nielson Research Group
Consumer Report


My Wife received a lucrative check in the mail from Nielson Research Group. It looked completely legitimate w the naked eye. I even observed watermarkings, routing number, Company name, (which included a Texas credit Union), etc..
The scam intended to have the checkholder deposit the check into a personal account, simultaneously withdraw the majority of the funds and send the funds Western Union to the scammers hidden account. Upon further research. I discovered the check was indeed fraudulent and personally called all my local banks and directly spoke with the Bank Managers. I informed them of the scam and told them to take head to the scammers company. I thought it was worth a shot to have the check examined by the Highway Patrol Headquarters Laboratory located in Jefferson City, hopes of them lifting a fingerprint from the cellophane window on the front of the envelope where the receiving address is displayed. I also called the scammers contact number and informed them I had obtained a fingerprint off one their envelopes as a deterrent for them to slow the scam or close the operation.

Company: Nielson Research Group
Country: USA
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Nielsen Research
Consumer Report

Nielson Research Group
Consumer Report

Nielsen Research Group
Consumer Report

Nielsen Research Group
Consumer Report

Nielsen Research Group
Consumer Report

Company Posing as NDP Research, Inc
Consumer Report

Nielsen Research Group
Consumer Report

America's Evaluation Research Group
Consumer Report

RedShift Research
Consumer Report

Armada Research Company, Barbara Spencer
Check Cashing Scam