Wellman Careers & Partners
Consumer Report


I got an email back from them asking to do a pre screen. 1st thing I noticed in the email is that the sender didnt have a contact phone number listed. 2nd notice is that the manager is wanting to get an interview in before going on vacation... 3rd they gave direct link instead of the company website which generally gives people the opportunity to see about your company. Then it says just to type in your name and hit "ok" but a paragraph down it says that youre acceptance or denial of application is not solely based on credit score... Wait... Then why did the paragraph before say you aren't going to see any of my personal info unless something in my background check pops up? Then it stated that the background check was less expensive for them and less avasive for you. Hmmm made ya feel all warm and fuzzy that this company is putting YOU first over their best interests. What company would hire someone based on a credit score as opposed to running a background check. I guess they didnt think that through that companies dont want to just hire random crazy people. Amateurs. Weak sauce Lisa Johnson with Wellman Careers & Partners... Weak sauce.

Company: Wellman Careers & Partners
Country: USA
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Wellman Careers & Partners
Consumer Report

Wellman Careers & Partners
Consumer Report

Wellman Careers & Partners
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Wellman Careers & Partners
Consumer Report

Wellman Careers & Partners
Consumer Report

Wellman Careers & Partners
Consumer Report

Wellman-Careers & Partners
Consumer Report

Wellman Careers & Partners
Consumer Report

Wellman Careers & Partners
Consumer Report