OKCupid, Benedict Walter, justme84andme, lifeisbeautiful82@hotmail.com
Consumer Report


Just figured out this dating scammer.

OKCupid Name: justme84andme
Benedict Walter
Email: lifeisbeautiful82@hotmail.com
IM: benedictwalter96@yahoo.com
Phone: 44 702 404 5821

These are his messages, which he copies and pastes verbatim to victims using different names each time. Found history on several websites exactly like mine. These are his messages, then he apparently asks for money later based on an accident happening on the oil rig. I figured it out by googling "Pearl Rig" today, but honesly, he really had me going—quite charming and very hot.

Message #1:

& On Thu, 3/22, Benedict Walter wrote:

From: Benedict Walter
Subject: RE: Hi again...
To: [Personal Information Removed]
Date: Thursday, March 22, 1:28 PM
Hello Martha,
I got your message and i am glad you did write, I guess you should truly know who i am, but hey! Here is an exclusive. Am on my computer now. If at my age i do not know what and when to say, then what would i be? When a wise man sees he has probably spent about half of his time in life already, he begins to assess his main goals in life. What could be more important than a happy ending? LOL. A man needs to live his life full of joy and happiness. No matter his achievements, he is reduced to nothing if he has no crown to complete him and that is a woman to call his own. Wife and Best friend. A woman who knows that even while arguing they still need to hold hands. A woman whom i can call a partner in crime, lol A woman whom you can tell anything. How could you think anything can make you happier in life than finding a love that knows no bound. To make you know more about me. I will break this down to segments and it would be like a case study.

I'm Benedict Walter, most friends call me Ben was born to a loving couple, a home, by an German woman from Florida and a British man. I'm originally from Manchester, UK and i spent the early part of my life in Capetown South Africa, where my dad was a diplomat representing the United Kingdom after which we got back to the UK after my high school in South Africa and went to University of Keele in England, where i had my bachelors degree in civil Eng and then i later moved on to join ma back in the UK. My father died and she was left alone. I met my wife and best friend in UK. She was a fashion designer. Very good at heart. Actually i could say i meet her in a funny way, she died of cancer 3years ago... I would explain that later.

I am a global contractor. I do basically with oil platforms, rig constructions, renovations, or over water bridges. We have worked at many countries. The present project here is my last on the field and i shall quit field works and continue my works from my home office while my men do the field ops. I think i really have gotten to this height cos i embraced work for so long trying to get over my wife, while i worked this hard, but i think i now realize i can move on.

I have told you how my typical dream day would be like, i just want to spend the rest of my life enjoying the fruit of my labor. I just want a woman who would be my best friend and everything. You know someone whom we would still love each other more as the days pass by, even when we cant make love anymore and all we could do is play bingo... Lol
I am a total package, i only need someone who understands the value of a good smile.
I cant wait to hear back from you. I want to get more acquainted to you.

Your turn!

Message #2

& On Fri, 3/23, Benedict Walter wrote:

From: Benedict Walter
Subject: RE: Wow.
To: [Personal Information Removed]
Date: Friday, March 23, 4:12 AM
Hello Beauty,
I really appreciate this consistent communication and i will say it is a sign of will, and i tell you where there is a will there is success ahead. I believe we both know that Love is not a destination but a journey and this is a journey that takes two to walk. I mean two souls who understand ahead that they aren't in for a kid walk, and what they have ahead is the most important mission in life. A place meant for true people. It is a place called joy and happiness. My Grace, i would also be stupid to hold the man of a woman like you. Really i just see in your face that i can live with this woman, not the beauty part alone, but the depth of your soul.
As i could remember, as a kid i was a very cute one, lol. One whom many bullies would target, but only to realise there is a tough side to me. I could make a sober person dance. I could affect one with my smile. I grew up having more older friends. Many would confide in me. To tell you, i am a type that doesn't judge. No matter how dirty you may be, just come clean to me, and i will give your support.
There is no Mr right until we make him right. A relationship is never about how much at the beginning but how much we could make it grow into. My old friend and pastor would tell me, if you aren't ready to feel or look stupid, then don't fall in love, lol But sincerely that is the bitter truth. When my wife passed away, he told me that the fact that something good ends doesn't mean something better cant start. Can you prove that right? I have come to realise that, let a man write a better book, let him preach a better sermon, let him sing the best of songs, let him gain wealth beyond dreams, he is reduced to nothing except he has a woman to call, my wife, my best friend and co pilot.
My usual saying, and i am known for it, is that, Life is simple, for those who take it simple. I don't like to complicate things, there is joy in every situation if you know the right angle to look it from. My daughter Liz she's 11 stays with my mother back in London for now.
My mother is very old now and at almost 80, she can still sing. Now she cant wait to have a proper family, and i cant wait to have a happy home too. After my last project in West Africa, i am quitting field works. Any other job would only require my attention from my home office wherever i go. I want to spend the rest of my life having fun... Would you smile at me when i look tense? I don't need a super model, i rather need a very good friend who knows when i am tensed just by looking into my eyes and a super woman. The whole world may be mad at me, but if you are smiling at me, i would care less.
I say, who says we cant pick rags and turn to riches? Who says we cant design our own paradise together. I will love to correspond with you through messenger in order to get to know each other better. If that is ok with you..
It is workable just walk by my side, please send me more picture of your beautiful self. I must say you are really beautiful, lovely smile and eyes to go with it.

Your new friend,

Message #3

& On Mon, 3/26, Benedict Walter wrote:

From: Benedict Walter
Subject: RE: Smile...
To: [Personal Information Removed]
Date: Monday, March 26, 9:15 PM
Hello my wonderful one. How are you today? Why am i getting addicted to my email? Lol. I get a good glow on my face just waking up to read from you. How was your day and night? I knew something was missing since i haven't smiled all morning till now, lol. I was almost late for work, i woke up late, i think i am becoming restful again, Maybe i could sense something good ahead of us. No dear you are not disturbing me. You can mail or call me anytime.
What wouldn't i do to make my dreams come true. It is like a rigger waiting for a trigger. Would you be my trigger? Lol. I just need a woman to hold me before i am old. Absolutely i have come to know that we spend the most of our life seeking for the secondary needs, while our primary needs are left unseen. We have worked so hard and attained some wealth right? But for what purpose? To be realistic, except if you just want to be known as a rich person, wealth means nothing if you have no best friend to share it with. All the millions are useless indeed. How much do we need to eat? How much do we need for shelter? How much do we need for daily fun. Excess and excess leads us to vanity. But for few of us who value the simplicity, we sure would do well in finding happiness. As i always say, money can buy a good bed, but never will money buy sleep. It can buy the best diamond watch, but can never buy time, It can buy piles of books, but cant buy knowledge. It can buy food, but not satisfaction, Money can buy sex, but can NEVER buy love. That is why, i refuse to follow the crowd, so as my own man, i would give up all that can be bought for that which cant be bought. I want true joy and happiness. I want my woman to have power over my moods. She can make me smile in all weather. I am glad that i could get your attention my dear. You have a special thing in your heart, and i intend to find out what it is. It could take a lifetime to figure, but i dont mind, lol. I will be back by the end of this month. We should really take this to another level. Let me hear the voice of an angel. Be warned i have been told i have an unsorted accent, but sexy, lol. When could we probably have a chance to have a live chat on messenger? Now i can hardly get you out of my mind. Here is my number you can give me a call 44 702 404 5821 and I would like to have your number.
Nigeria is good, not what i expected but am liking it cuz the hospitality of the people is awesome, likewise their culture.

Your macho man, lol

Message #4
& On Wed, 3/28, Benedict Walter wrote:

From: Benedict Walter
To: [Personal Information Removed]
Date: Wednesday, March 28, 5:52 AM
Hello my dear angel! How are you today? Who are you? A woman being a angel? Or a angel pretending to be a woman? Whichever you are, you are doing something special to me. Lol. I mean after all these years, i would have thought i might not have the possibilities again of having my dream woman, my partner, my best friend and co pilot. I'm talking about fate here - when feelings are so powerful it's as if some force beyond your control is guiding you to someone who can make you happy beyond your wildest dreams. I wouldnt be scared anyway, because truly, Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end. The inevitable truth is, If it is meant to be, our hearts will find each other when we meet. And if our hearts melt together so will our bodies and souls. Then every word and every touch will fuel our passion flame. I will be yours, you will be mine, and we will be one.
I am on the Pearl rig in the coast of Nigeria. Haven to wake up every morning by 6 and go to work. Working from then till late at night, yet being able to be distracted by this woman. I have labors here, both skilled and locals, yet all could notice a new glow on my face. Lol. Nelson just got married almost two years now. He found his woman on the net and to be sincere, he inspired us. I did not buy a house in the states, because i would love to find my woman first, then building a home would start from there. I am being true to my feelings, as my old friend would say, Never question if you are in love or not, because if you were you wouldn't need to ask. So the best of men, would accept what they feel without questions, because truely, Love and death cant be escaped, no one can tell, when, how, or where. It is never too early or too late. LOL.
What is more important to you the love you share, the memories you have or the lover? Give love a chance to swallow you up. Don't just think it will happen in a instant, it will suprise you before you know it, but it will be the most rewarding experience you will ever have.
If you are as open minded and simple as me, i can promise you that the sky would be the limit. Lovely picture that you got me looking at it for a while. I made your picture my wallpaper, hope that is ok with you?


Company: OKCupid, Benedict Walter, justme84andme, lifeisbeautiful82@hotmail.com
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
ZIP: 10018
Address: 589 8th Avenue, 11th Floor
Phone: 6173954187
Site: okcupid.com
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