Hannaford Supermarket
Frustration in meat dept


Sunday i wanted to purchase 2 pieces of beef which i usually have ground for my family. The person behind the counter would not grind the beef for me. He said they were no longer allowed to do that. I have been doing this for years. What ever happen to "satisfying the customer"? Is that history now too? It's something that only takes a few minutes to do, and seems to me, is the job of the person working the meat dept. There was also another angry customer besides myself cuz he would grind hia either. Well, DEMOULAS is more then happy to do it for us, so i gues i'll just bring my business to them. Thanks for nothing! Diane m. Doyonmanchester, nh

Company: Hannaford Supermarket
Country: USA
Address: Gloversvile NY
Phone: 8002139040
Site: hannaford.com
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