Consumer Report


I was browsing thru the Zibiddy website thinking I can bid in their site, so I filled out the application. When I filled out the credit info along with my other info, Zibiddy automatically charged my account $99.00. I tried calling and getting in touch with them to tell them I did not authorized the $99.00 charge, there was no one that I can get a hold of... I am very frustrated about this cause I was not aware of the fee to join their site. I just want my money back.

Company: Zibiddy
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deerfield Beach
ZIP: 33442
Address: 2200 SW 10th St
Phone: 8779243390
Site: zbiddy.com
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Zibiddy a rippoff

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Money Plus Save
Consumer Report

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