Walmart Offer For Free $1000 Credit Card If I Joined Doubleday Book
Consumer Report


3;00 in the morning got a text saying i just won a gift card. If i won just send it to me. Well i like to know why people do things like this and dont care of what people feel like when they thing they won something dont get it. We are not going to put up with those tricks. Do something about it. If people are to win things like this why dont they just send people it. I know companys out there trying to make money off of peoplewith there scams.

Company: Walmart Offer For Free $1000 Credit Card If I Joined Doubleday Book
Country: USA
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Walmart Offer For Free $1000 Credit Card If I Joined Doubleday Book
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Walmart Offer For Free $1000 Credit Card If I Joined Doubleday Book
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Walmart Offer For Free $1000 Credit Card If I Joined Doubleday Book
Consumer Report

Walmart Offer For Free $1000 Credit Card If I Joined Doubleday Book
Consumer Report

Walmart Offer For Free $1000 Credit Card If I Joined Doubleday Book
Consumer Report

Walmart Offer For Free $1000 Credit Card If I Joined Doubleday Book
Consumer Report

Walmart Offer For Free $1000 Credit Card If I Joined Doubleday Book
Consumer Report