City Market Research
Brigett kings / robert wilson received a letter on march 19th and a check dated 06/03 on a citibank check, n.A. Amt. $2,490.00


City Market Research Sent Me A Letter And A Check dated 06/03 In The amt of $2,490.00 For A Mystery Shopper On 03/19 & Asked That I Go To Western Union & Transfer Them $1,960.00 To Determine They Quality Of Service 1St & Then Go To One Of The retail Stores Like Sears, Wal-Mart, Home depot, Staples, JC Penny, Walgreens Or K-mart. I Should also Shop & Spend Aleast $50.00 & Evaluate Their Services. I Would get Pd $300.00 For My 1St Assignment.

After Jobs Are All Is Done I Should Fill out The Customer Evaluation Acceptance Form $ fax It To Them @ 1-806-371-3030.

Also Had The nerve To ask If You Would Like To become a permanent Service Agent For Market Research Survey & Asking You For Your Siganture. What Nerves.

Company: City Market Research
Country: USA
State: New York
Address: 52 BROADWAY
Phone: 14384028048
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Survey Pro
Want me to be a Consumer Research Program rep. For my area and make extra money

Sparks Research Center
"Mystery Shopper" Monroe Louisiana

City Market Research
Mystery Shopper Scam using post dated check 06/03/12

Advanced Market Research Inc
Consumer Report

Tja - Mystery Shopping, Market Research, Consulting & Counselling
Received check for $4780. Send Money Gram for $4280 to Maria Hall, Los Angeles, CA or Tito Dunn, Bronx, NY, keep $300 for my training and spend $50 as a mystery shopper

Retail Tracking Market Research - Mystery Shopping/Consulting
Sent a check for $3899 to me for "research." Wanted me to send them $3200 back

Qualitative Market Research
Tony Allen Consumer Services Evaluator, Mystery Shopper, Mystery Consume

Mystry Shopping, Market Research, Securities, Training & Consulting
Proficient Food An MBM Company

Sigmon Survey Pro
Wanted me to pose as a potentioal customer and send money to Julian and my last name

Holmes Market Research
Consumer Report