Bank of America Privacy Source
Consumer Report


On the 14th of febuary i deposited a cashiers check for the amount of 7500. I went back 24 hrs later to check on my available balance. The AVAILABLE BALANCE reflected the amount of that check, so i went to complete what i thought was my job assignment. To pay out charitable funds to researchers at global rice research. My bank cleared my debit card transactions for both payments sent at 3300 each. The remainder was to be my pay, the next morning (2/16) i woke to a email that i was over drawn at bank. Confused i went down there and told them what had happened. The bank has given me 4 different answer as to why the AVAILABLE balance showed up in my account and only one way to resolve the problem... I was to sign document stating i promised to pay the money back. Which would only cement my fate and clear them of all wrong doing that lead up to me spending those funds. Funds i would never have touched if i had not checked on my AVAILABLE balance only to find them just that... Available. I have never in my life had a bank clear funds before they were ready or especially clear a debit transaction that wasnt. My experience has been if even off by 1 dollar the transaction is denied. The bank told me at t first the atm didnt probably recognize the check to m=be that high of amount, then they told me on another day that it was cleared because i was such a good customer. (funny since my credit card with them is several months late) then they told me at the inner offices, a YOUNG man assigned to my case that it was my responsibility to make sure the check had cleared, well... Funny... Again... That is what the special trip back to the bank was for BEFORE i went ahead and sent out those payments. And what i found was they WERE. What more did they want me to do? I did my part they did not do theirs. They keep telling me banks have the right to put holds on checks. I realize this and it is a good thing. Protects them... Their customers... With that check being a cashiers check i figured they had checked it out or why else would they have cleared it into my account. No other bank had ever done that. Showed my available balance the same as my balance unless the funds had cleared... This is where my case / complaint takes another turn... It has gone from what should have been a case of me filing a claim for fraud, me as the victim as well as the bank. To the bank freezing my account and intimidating me into signing the docs to release them of all wrong doing or clerical error. And in doing that the also have with held my direct deposit that i couldnt redirect in time, that deposit being my pension check. They have still refused to return that money to me even after i faxed over and physically took copies to my bank that clearly stated from the city attorneys office where that was illegal for them to do. That pensions were exempt form this kind of action and that i didnt even have to file a claim to receive my money from them. This YOUNG man in the inner offices has since refused to take my calls, instead having a co worker relay this message to me. That " they have no intentions to repay that money to me." so i guess what he is saying is bank of america is above the written laws of the government. That they are exempt from following the laws on that document i did not just go to the library to look up, but received from one of the lawyers at the city of los angeles city attorneys office. This pension money being with held is the reason my case n0w segways into a 3rd part... Endangering my health and well being you see i live off that pension. As small as it is i still pay for my food gas car insurance and most importantly, my prescriptions, one of which is for a eye condition i have. With out that prescription i go blind. It has been a month now since i have been able to get that medicine and the damage done to my eyes is has been devastating both visually and in terms of pain... The shooting sharp pains going directly through my cornea n a daily basis not only is extremely painful but a slow reminder at the damage being done. Damage that would not have happened if i had been able to simply pick up my prescription. I have made tis clear on several occasions to the bank, to that YOUNG gentleman, with no more compassion being shown than if i were some old piece of junk that needed tossing anyway. This from a bank who not to terribly long ago was begging, begging our government to bail it out, save it from bankruptsy, which the government ended up dong. And with what did they bail them out with? The tax payers money... My money. Now this bank insists that i pay for their mistake in listing that check in my AVAILABLE balance. They have a policy that states they will protect their customers up to 100,000 form fraud. And restore their accounts the very next day. Well they certainly havent kept those 2 promises, not to mention the fact that they themselves are protected with 250 K FOR JUST THIS KIND OF THING. They have 250 k to protect them... Who protects me if not my own bank? They denied my right to even file the claim of the wrong against me. Sure they were a victim of fraud, but so was i. Who is going to protect me from my own bank??? I have run up against a brick wall at every turn with this bank the YOUNG man assigned to my case my last resort, and have not been able to get my calls redirected any where else, have been sent on wild goose chases. One dept telling me to go to another, to go directly to my branch then from there go to go home to call in my complaint no one giving me any coherant solutions except their mantra..."sign the docs stating i will pay the money back." money i dod not have, already in a fragile state financially because of a horrible divorce i have been struggling for the last 2 and 1/2 years trying to recover this has had a domino effect on all other areas of my life. Overdraft fees t from bank of america themselves, which is pretty funny when it was they who caused this whole thing to begin with, not to mention the other fees on the other ends, the bills i had paid prior that had been covered, and all the other bills i cannot pay because of their hostage situation they have on my account. And lastly... My eyesight... What price is it to let another human being lose one of their 6th senses.? Knowing fully well i do not have the resources to go up against them, they continue to bully and intimidate me into hopefully i crack and break down and sign the documents releasing them form this horrible mistake that has since destroyed my life in so many ways, how can they be allowed to get away with this... Taking away from me the very ability to open up my eyes and see the new day ahead? Who can protect me and stand up to fight for me? I have no where to turn at this point, i cant fight them alone... And they know this. I hope i have given you enough to understand what has happened here. And that it reaches the right person who can indeed help me fight this bank into standing up and taking responsibility into doing the right thing... Sondra theodore

Company: Bank of America Privacy Source
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Willimton
Address: PO Box 15019
Phone: 6023798727
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