Instant Tax Service
Filed my tax with my last paycheck stub for a $100.00 loan without my consent


I went to Instant Tax Service on 79th Cedar, They had a false advertisement saying that a person could get up to $1,000.00 loan with your last paycheck stub. It was around Christmas time so my daughter called me about it and we went up their and they gave us $100.00.

They didn't give us time to give them their $100.00 back or come back with our w2's. They automatic filed our taxes without our consent, they took alot of fees out of our check and they stole our money from taxes.

What they said i was going to get back was way less then i supposed to receive, I had to w2"s from both of my jobs, by them filing with my last paycheck stubb from one job they said that they already file my taxes and now i'm going to have to do a amendment with them with my w2 from my other job.

This tax service didn't give us our tax papers they gave us some papers that they make up off the loan. When i got that check that they gave me the check was printed up in their place because everybody money went to thier bank account. No company like Walmart, or no one else wouldn't cash the check.

I called up their and they told me to come back up their and they gave me a coupns witch did not work to go across the street and cash our checks, across the street was charging $80.00 to cash the checks and if we didn't want to do that, buy $100.00 worth of items out their store and they would cash the check.

Company: Instant Tax Service
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cleveland
Address: 79th Cedar Avenue
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Instant Tax Service
Last pay check fraud, (shame on you)

Instant tax service
They cheated me out my income tax

Instant Tax Services
File my tax with my last pay check stub for a loan i got from them for $100.00

Instant Tax service
Scamming, and Liars

Instant tax service
They lied, cheated left my family homless

Instant Tax Service
Misleading and Dishonest

Instant Tax Service
Filed my taxes without contacting me first and didnt have my w2 from both my employers and put the worng gross amount in for my income now i have to amend my taxes and have all these fees to pay i did

Instant Tax Service
Did not use my W2's only my check stub and would not tell me the price they charge until everything was printed and signed. They charged me over $600 to file

Instant Tax Service
Scam Artist

Instant tax service
Hidden fees