Coca Cola Brand Ltd
Consumer Report


I responded to an ad online for car wraps. They said I would get $300 a week for three months for someone to come put a coke brand car wrap on my car as a form of advertising for their company. I agreed filled out some information sent them my address ect. They then sent me a check for about $1,400 they told me to take out $300 my first weeks payment and then send the rest to the "professional car wrapper" via western money transfer. So i took out $300 and sent $1,100 to the "professional" Later that week the check i cashed with my bank it bounced and my bank told me to contact this James Wilford guy who sent me the check. I've spent over a week and a half trying to contact him with over 15 emails still no response. Now the bank says i owe the money.

Company: Coca Cola Brand Ltd
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
ZIP: 30301
Address: P.O. Box 1734
Phone: 4048873498
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