Epm trycelleannow.com & epm startcoleacse.com
Consumer Report


I told this company to stop billing me for this product, that I was not interested anymore because I felt they had lied about the trial product price. They said they have no recorde of that phone call, that I would have to wait to receive the product and then call for a RMA # and that they would remove the charges and stop sending me more product. I told them that if they didn't stop that I was going to sue them for charging without my permision. I guess I will have to wait and see what they do. It seems that there is alot of complaints against this company why has no one done anything is this a waist of my time.

Company: Epm trycelleannow.com & epm startcoleacse.com
Country: USA
State: California
City: W. Hollywood
ZIP: 90069
Address: 9000 Sunset Blvd., Suite 500
Phone: 8552355261
Site: cellean.com
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Unauthorized billing

Unauthorized charges

Charged incorectly

Hyper Hoodia Labs
Ignored my request to stop sending product to my home and just keep charging me

Momentum, 2 Day Slim Down
Unauthorized sending of 2-Day Slim Down product and charging my credit card

Am unable to contact the company to stop them sending further product and charging for it before I got the sample product

Donald Piesco
Consumer Report

Nue Science
Consumer Report

Premium White
Fullfillment Center This company offered a free trial offer of there product and I was required to pay was a one time shipping charge. When actually they bill you $ 87.62 within days of getting the product

Consumer Report