Ourtime.com, SeniorPeopleMeet.com
Consumer Report


I decided to try online dating for a 1 month investment. My bank placed a hold on my card for "suspicious" activity. Boy, was I ever thankful. The fraud investigation told me that the charge was involved with a "third party". The emails and I.M. Chats were charming, flattering, ego boosting BUT the improper grammer, gender references, children's names/gender and ongoing ramblings of tragic losses, you are the "only and first" sent RED FLAGS immediately. Also, the men are ALL widows, have multiple profiles and their responses are eloquently "SCRIPTED" (PROBABLY FROM FOREIGN SCAMMERS). Before you respond to any of this BULLCRAP do the following: type in usernames and research similar to check for multiple profiles, do a name search with age and location, DO NOT give out requests for phone or cell numbers, Do Not oblige these scammers by placing them on Yahoo Messenger (this seems to be their only chat vehicle). You will know these scammers are probably not even people,
since you never get answers to your specific questions. I am so GRATEFUL that my bank's fraud dept. Alerted me immediately and that I am a very suspicious, detail oriented and cautious person.

Company: Ourtime.com, SeniorPeopleMeet.com
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
ZIP: 75225
Address: P.O. Box 25458
Phone: 3236030188, 8777949511, 8667278920
Site: ourtime.com
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Stay away from Ourtime.com

Consumer Report

Hacked account

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Tim, last name unknown. Would not give me his last name... Fraudulent website, fake responses, fake profiles, fake accounts

Consumer Report

DateHookup / Confirio.com
Consumer Report

OurTime.com, seniormeetpeople.com, petmeetpeople.com
Consumer Report

Yahoo Personals
Deceptive, full of fake profiles