Child Protection Services
Complainted fictitious witnesses, lied to a juvenile judge numerous times, made false reports about the care of the children, refused to provide medication as prescribed, severely emotionally disturbed the children who are NOW disabled


First, I Will suggest that the only real reason behind this statement would be to get ACCURATE details documented concerning the actions of the Kid Protective Services Department (CPS) of the Division of Human Services (DHS). The writer apologizes for that period of this statement comprehending that THE REALITY MUST BE REVEALED AND ACTION TAKEN TO CLOSE CPS! Continue reading...

CPS has seriously abused and overlooked two young kids they got into custody consequently of the being sexually attacked by larger pupils on the public school coach. The coach driver simply continued operating, overlooking her obligation to safeguard the kids during her treatment. She allowed the larger kids to sexually attack the small children.

A couple of days later, following the assault was documented, many college authorities unendingly asked the kids and fundamentally scared one-child into producing complicated claims concerning the attack. College authorities, totally conscious of the sexual attack, really mishandled the info they'd within their ownership.

The attacking, violent bullies were apparently disciplined by not being allowed to experience the college coach to get a short-period of time. The people who endured the best in the sexual attack would be the two young kids, one a kindergartner and also the additional a newbie third-grade student. It is challenging to comprehend why the attacking pupils have fundamentally been COMPENSATED as the younger kids have suffered terribly, with one attorney reporting towards the judge that CPS had ruined them.

DETAILS that connect with this situation: CPS informs within their deceptive CHILDREN Documents that two fake witnesses understood the household perfectly. Family unit members do not know who these two folks are. Titles, handles and phone numbers are fake. Who advised these a couple to contact CPS concerning the parents. They will never tell since it is a manufactured tale.

This situation continues to be intermingled having a Kiowa Indian situation along with a situation where the parents had three extra siblings. Not just one comparable understands the identification of another three kids and neither DHS or anybody active in the situation can offer the titles, tackle or any id for that three siblings. Obviously, if that info was handed to CPS, the individual did not actually understand the household members. That data was obviously created likewise. Nevertheless, it's thought WHEN the statement was handed to CPS, the individual confirming the rest has quit the city. Positive thing! I might be so embarrassed I'dnot need my experience observed in the city again possibly! Way too many folks understand the info is just a full-blown rest.

Often the CPS employee suggests the parents finish a Parents Help Program but which was refused in support of ownership to visitors. Questioning the parents of joining PAC is just a recommendation the PAC program isn't of much worth to anybody taking part in this program. Unusual that CPS doesn't actually believe their very own applications are useful

The CPS staff declined to check out the juvenile judgeis purchase for relatives to go to the foster parents. The recently designated CPS employee directed the household member NOT TO contact the foster parents till CPS had visited together. Three months later, CPS informed household member the foster parents "experienced also unpleasant" to go to the household member. Why might this type of statement get until CPS created risks towards the foster parents?

Family unit members left school materials using the CPS employee but foster parents are also scared to inform family unit members of the bill. Member of the family remaining style communication on phone camera, DURING SCHOOL HOURS, wondering when the university materials were adequate and indicating a need to provide every other materials they require so that they might have THE VERY BEST. Foster parent performed the voice recording of the household member therefore the kids could be upset from reading the speech. CPS as well as their therapist then INFORMED the judge NOT TO permit any appointments or conversation.

The household member who'd attempted to safeguard the children from an abusive guardian, requested ownership but due to the is based on the CPS YOUNGSTERS Document, was refused the chance to look at the kids. That member of the family not just kept a BS degree in training but had offered as an alternative instructor in two individual colleges. The foster parents had NO children with no university instruction but were considered GREATEST for that kids. Really unusual

CPS described within their CHILDREN Document this 1 of the kids "was having serious abdominal discomfort nevertheless when he was handed the medication, he was okay." THEY'D THE MEDICATION BUT REFUSED TO ABIDE BY WARNINGS GIVEN ABOUT THE MEDICATION AND BY HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS ACQUAINTED WITH RESPONSES! The household wonders why the kid was removed of the medicine that triggered the stomach condition. Home-school didn't need him removed of the medicine as well as inspired the personal doctor to improve the dose, understanding it led to good distress. Regulations altered therefore foster parents may WOn't adhere to the household physician's suggestion.

Right after the kids were taken into custody, CPS was informed to locate somebody who was acquainted with the kids togo together towards the CPS contracted physician. Imagine who they delivered using the kids. They delivered the situation employee who documented the kid had serious stomach distress and wouldn't contemplate one-word the household informed her concerning the medicine.

It's apparent today, that CPS has directed the foster parents to consider the kid to 1 of the agreement doctors who they understood could be prepared to utilize an alternate medicine that may decrease the discomfort due to the stomach condition.

The kids are apparently performing "fantastic" given that they've been used. Nevertheless, one-child isn't psychologically capable to go to normal class actions since he understands he's been lied to and fooled. Another kid is in specific training due to birth defects.

Both kids ARE NOW ACTUALLY really psychologically handicapped and getting Medicare for all those ailments. It ought to be mentioned that each kid is instantly psychologically disabled when CPS has eliminated them from their family members.

The Adoptions and Secure Families Work of 1997 (ASFA) has compensated CPS over $10,000 per kid for that harm they will have completed to both of these kids. That is along with the wages the ASFA has compensated and roughly $100,000 they've settled towards the foster parents. The adoptive parents may obtain roughly $1,000 every month as suppliment to assist them using the youngsters' ailments. Advisors, researchers, attorneys, specific training academics and today actually homeschooling materials are totally taken care of through the benefits and bonuses of ASFA.

The ASFA offers prizes and bonuses to DHS for each kid they are able to have the ability to get into custody, devote foster care and eventually follow them to people away from household. THE ASFA SHOULDN'T SUPPLY PRIZES AND BONUSES THAT FUNDAMENTALLY FACILITATES DHSIS CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT ROUTINES WITHIN THE PRETEXT OF "WHAT IS BEST FOR YOUR CHILDREN."

Examine the documents! Ownership employees and AN INCREDIBLE NUMBER OF COMPANIES are now being compensated benefits and bonuses for the things they may do to help hurt and harm small children. It is a well-known fact that companies are afraid that they can shed their agreement with DHS when they do not follow every suggestion DHS makes. Several really wealthy companies are prepared to follow the fake info CPS keeps within their CHILDREN documents to achieve financial benefits and bonuses.

CPS Homestudy Company was handed info from CPS that relatives UNDERSTOOD the way the youngsters' bones have been damaged. If bones were damaged, these were broken whilst in the foster home. Affirmed, upon requesting the times, the House Research company discovered it had been as the kids were underneath the 'defensive' custody of CPS.

Issues were shipped to OKDHS reporting abuse and neglect. One Licensed Notice apparently never reached OKDHS. Family unit members thinks that DHS noticed who the Licensed Notice was from and instantly slipped it within their 'round-file' so that they might record it'd not been obtained. VERY UNUSUAL! Because the return-receipt wasn't authorized and delivered through the postal companies, the postoffice claims "the notice might never be discovered." DHS workers UNDERSTAND the methods

Child protection services division of okdhs must be closed down in support of the juvenile judges understanding complete facts about the children and verifying the child is truly receiving what's best for your child (not for dhs).

U.S. Residents have to browse the reviews that DHS has within their key CHILDREN documents. As in this instance, they'll probably discover that a lot of the info included in the CHILDREN DOCUMENT is fake and full-blown lies. Regulation must be authorized that'll drive DHS workers to inform the reality and report ONLY facts within their CHILDREN documents along with other documents.

CPS noted that the family member visited among the kids within the new-school however they CAN'T look for a day of this occasion SINCE IT IS ANOTHER FULL-BLOWN REST TOLD FOR THE JUDGE TO TAKE MORE OFFENSE AGAINST THE HOUSEHOLD.

INDIVIDUALS OF THE UNITED STATES DON'T HAVE TO BE TORTURED FROM THE CHILD PROTECTION PROVIDERS of DHS! Please help near cps along! Discover what's really within the GREATEST INTEREST OF KIDS in the place of what's within the greatest attention of CPS and DHS! Election for judges who enjoy kids and need what's certainly greatest for that kids in the place of judges who would like SS and Medicare robbed due to laying CPS employees.

Take note: if you're about the cps group (worker or company), you'll take offense at this document. Cps workers and their companies understand these statements are accurate

Be confident that it's a proven fact that some cps workers aren't liars but this case shows many who're very skilled liars.

Cps workers should be held responsible for their statements and provide proof of the details. There's no way that cps may prove their claims. When will the american public awaken and prevent this harmful business bent simply to completely eliminate small children to allow them to get their rewards and bonuses.

AGAIN, sorry this really is such a long time however the details must be exposed.

Company: Child Protection Services
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Oklahoma City
Address: N. Classen
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Bob & Kris Mahaney
Abusive Foster Parents

In His Hands teen abuse services
Unlawful CPS authority

Child Protective Services
Removed four of six children currently living at home

Ok dhs
Fighting to get my kids back

Department of human service's
Not placing children with kinship

Cps Of Burnet County, tx
Cps Of Burnet County, TX ripoff my 2 children were wrongfully taken cps they won't give them back

Bucks County Children and youth
Well it is about how they take kids out of homes with no abuse involved or neglect i thought that these people supose to help families but they dont i

San Antonio Child Protective Services
My Children were placed with a foster parent who has a pending assault charge against a family member, JUDGE AND CASEWORKER STILL ALLOW CHILDREN TO REMAIN IN THE HOME!

Tennessee Department of children services
Omni foster care are Baby shopping, Wanting good adoptive kids, Made false accusations, refusing to let relatives have the kids

Tacoma CPS Office
Out of control