Consumer Report


I have submitted a complaint already this is a follow up. I recieved sample pots of both creams plus got scammed like everybody that supplied credit card details Today recieved another sample of Nuvisage in the post. There are two postal address's on the package. Nuvisage post office box 30816 Salt Lake City, UT 84130.. The second postal priority sticker attached is from postal address Dept 90001 PO Box 5001 SE-202-26 Malmo Sweden. Custom sticker The country of origin is United States. Go figure? What is the fraud Squade in these country's doing? The web site is still up and running with a link to Face Book and a talk back show with Vouge Magazine advertising, this is what is getting people sucked in..

Company: ReLiftXS
Country: USA
Phone: 8885630374
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Consumer Report

DermaScience and NuVisage
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Logistics Dep, PO Box 30816, Salt Lake City UT 84130. Usa
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Postal Jobs
United States Postal Service postal job rip-off

Extmangobill 8885920238 G
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Sender is: SHIPPING DEP P.O. BOX 30816 Salt Lake City, UT 84130
Consumer Report

Relift XS Introductory Sweden
Consumer Report