Christian mingle jferdinandlcc. or blueoct30
Consumer Report


This man was on christian mingle profiling as a engineer in san diego cal. But was really in dubai arab. He said he owned his own business and that his name was james ken ferdinand. He said he was born in america and adopted at three and took to england to live. He said he was married and then divorced after caught wife cheating. Then moved to dubai on friends recommendation to start his own business. Now he says he is ready to move his business to america or invest in real estate but live here once he finds the love of his life. Then he says he has to plane ticket set up but when he goes to cash his check he doesnt deposit it but keeps it with him in which he stops after dark to help someone broke down and they jump him and take all of his huge check being over 520,000. Which he sends you a copy of supposed check. Now he is broke and in hospital on suicide watch which he really turns on the tears and crys and crys about how he has no way to take care of you but still wants to be with you as he loves you so much he cant bear to be without you. He is very intellegent and makes you feel like you are the only woman in the world. Says alot of just ask me anything i will tell you no lies i have nothing to hid. Now he want you to help him with his bills before he can come to america and that is about 5000.00 onto which he feels so useless as he is broke and doesnt deserve your love. Needless to say he is very good at what he does. Calls all the time and emails alot everyday. Very sincer and makes you beleive very honest and loving. Is not what he is at all. This is a very good scam artist. I never sent money and told him noone carries money around like that and helps people. He tells me he does not need my drama with all he has been through and so i just cut him off. Told him i contacted police and christian mingle. He says tell whoever i want to call him but he never answers his phone. Now christian mingle did remove his profile but he was back on there in just a few hours with a totally different profile name trying again. Beware of this man he is very convincing of his life...

Company: Christian mingle jferdinandlcc. or blueoct30
Country: USA
State: California
City: Beverly Hills
ZIP: 90211
Address: 8383 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 800
Phone: 3236583000
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Christian Mingle
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