Global Fortune Network
Consumer Report


1) Same basic story as others in Group
2) Contacted 02-18 by a Mark Lowery of GFN who sold me to join at $275
3) Contacted 03-01 by a Brian West with details of investment options
4) Made decision on 03-04 with Brian West to invest
- $20,000 to buy leads
- Guarantee letter for 125% return or second year free
- Told would take about 90 days before I would see anything return
- Returns were significant... Should have seen through this at this time

5) After about 90 days started getting weekly calls with progress
6) By around July calls indicated approximate 50 contacts in hands of attorneys
7) Received first payment of $100 in October
8) Received second payment of $100 in November
9) They went dark later in November... Have been unable to reach anyone since then
10) Add me to the list if a decision is made to sue

Question are they actually still in business??? If so, under what name???

- These calls and web site showed contacts and? With attorney of 51

Company: Global Fortune Network
Country: USA
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Global Fortune Network (Merchant Seahawk Strategies LLC)
Consumer Report

Global Fortune Network
Consumer Report

Global Fortune Network
Consumer Report

Global Fortune Network
Consumer Report

Global Fortune Network
Consumer Report

Global Fortune Network, Apollo Marketing Services
Consumer Report

Ism leads leads (brian) affiliated with volcano leads another company out to steal your money!
RV marketing, Inc. Paid for product on July 6 and it's now Sept. 24 and they have not delivered the product to me. They also will not return my calls to inquire

Global Fortune Network
False Promises, refuse to return calls, Refuse Refund
Consumer Report