Mineral Elements by Eden at mineralmakeupcenter.com
Consumer Report


On Nov 24 I signed up and ordered what i believed to be a free sample of Mineral Elements Make up including bronzers, brushes and Cosemetic Pouch, as long as I paid for the 8.95 shipping and handling. This was a special offer on a site that would award me free ebay bucks if i participated in atleast one offer... A site i can no longer recall... I received the sample in the mail a week or so later with a letter thanking me for my order. Wonderful, but i shoulda known there would be a catch, fml... A month later, 2 days before christmas, i was surprised with a charge of 130.41 from a company called BlueRX, outraged i called to find out the charge was from Mineral Elements! They were very blunt about how i must not of read the fine print when i signed up...! Wtf! No where on their add is any fine print, nor in the thank you when my so called sample arrived! Little did i know... They would charge me 130.41, unmercifully, because i had not returned the so called free sample within 30 days! Saying it was just a trial period... Sample, trial, same difference! Wouldnt you think this lil catch to the free trial should be HEAVILY stated?! Maybe even a courtesy call to make sure a consumer fully understands the fine print where ever it may be before they think its alright to WAY overly charge you for a couple tubes of powder?! When i called to complain their service rep had no compassion, infact he was completely monotone like he had rehersed his reply... Absolutely absurd! And on top of that another so called free sample of Age Invisible, just pay shipping... Lol... Charged me 39.41 at basically the same time for the same reasons! Funny though, on my statement the phone number is missing a digit, made it harder to track them down but probally purposely cuz it was the same cutomer service line as the Mineral Elements! And of course i was told the same thing, it was written in the fine print, the print i have yet to see in their advertising! What has this world come to when a company blindly and falsely charge a consumer and then treat you like you are the stupid one! Wtf! Well i hope they had a good christmas, all my kids got was some crummy powder makeup and some bogus wrinkle cream... God i hope karma comes around ten fold to that service rep and the shisty companies he represents!

Company: Mineral Elements by Eden at mineralmakeupcenter.com
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Harrisburg
ZIP: 17101
Address: 147 North Cameron Street
Phone: 8662837313
Site: mineralelementsbyeden.com
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Mineral Elements by Eden
Mineral Make-Up Introductory Kit / All natural Makeup Trial I was scammed a month ago by Mineral Elements

Eden Cosmetics - Mineral Elements by Eden
Mineral elements this comp. Carged me $130.00 on my debt card for a free sampl that i didnt artherise

Eden Cosmetics - Mineral Elements by Eden
Mineral elements makeup i was offered a free trial for a 1.00, i recieved it with no mention of paying anything or return information. My bank card was charged 130.41 without my consent or knowledge of the charge

Eden cosmectic
Mineral Elements Trial Offer DON'T DO IT!

Eden Cosmetics - Mineral Elements by Eden
Mineral elements trying to charge me 130.00 for a risk free trial. The terms mentioned nothing about this charge it said a shipping and handling fee of 1$ and that waas all the charges... Rip off

Mineral Elements By Eden - Eden Cosmetics
Mineral Elements By Eden {aka} Eden Cosmetics Mineral Elements by Eden will not accept returns and then says I need a RMA #, what ever that is!

Mineral Elements By Eden
$130.41 scam

Eden Mineral Elements - Cosmetics
Rip Off Scam, make sure to read the fine print, that is no where to be found

Eden Cosmetics - Mineral Elements by Eden
Scam alert!

Mineral Elements by Eden