Synapse Ventures, Inc C/O Processing Center
On Wed. 11/30 @ 2:28pm I received a call from Rewards Dept. (as shown on my caller ID) a person named Ryan spoke to me and stated if I did a survey with him I would receive 2 - $25.00 WalMart gif


On Nov. 30 a Wed. Afternoon at 2:28pm - I received a call from 618-551-5507 (my caller ID) showed this a call from Rewards Dept. I spoke to a person named, Ryan. I was asked if I did a survey for them, they would send me 2 - $25.00 gift cards from Wal Mart. So, I did the survey. The survey was a 'yes/no' and a 'rate' type survey... Ratings from 1 to 5... 5 being good... 1 being bad.

1. Risk free quarantee - not working good or WalMart taking back items that don't work - I rated this question a '5'.
2. Shopping in a retail store preferred than online - I answered this a 'yes'.
3. Rate importance of trying a product before buying - I rated this a '4'.
4. Would you buy from internet that offered free shipping - I answered 'yes'.
5. Asked where do I get me adds from - I answered TV adds, internet, radio and newspaper.
6. Do you like extra bonus - like a free gift for trying a product - I rated this a '5'.

Here comes the 'catch'... Then I was asked to try a 'trail period' of 3 magazines for 3 months for free... I said I would like to try Better Homes and Gardens - Good Housekeeping - and Women's Health. I was given a selection list before I picked what I wanted. I was told to call and confirm if you wanted top keep these magazines after 3 months... Was given this number: 1-800-607-9869.

I was then asked my VIAS Debit card number for shipping the 2 WalMart gift cards... It would cost me $2.95 and I would get them in 2 weeks... I was then sent to a confirmation person for the purpose of authorizing to debit the $2.95 for shipping the WalMart gift cards... This authorization was for shipping cards NOT for magazines. Ryan assured me this was only for shipping the 2 WalMart gift cards.

This conversation with the Rewards Dept. Ended at 2:47pm.

At 2:52pm (same day) I called my Bank (US BAnk) 740-259-5280 and spoke to Trish to alert them that I was having $2.95 taken out of my account... And that nothing more was to come out of that accout unless I called and approved it. Trish made a note on my account and gave me a way to contact US Bank if any fraud took place.

As of todate. I still haven't received those 2 WalMart gift cards that I was promised for taking that Survey... I have received 2 - Better Homes and Gardens magazines and 1 - Good Housekeeping magazine and none of the Women's Health magazines... Supposedly monies will be subtracted from my account by March 8. Better Homes and Gardens - $23.00 for 15 issues... Good Housekeeping - $24.00 for 15 issues... Women's Health - $24.00 for 13 issues. Which I am calling and cancelling... Not because I don't like the magazines (I love them)... I don't like the way I was scammed in obtaining them by doing a survey and promised 2 $25.00 gift cards from WalMart.

They were nice enough to send me a postcard type letter (which came from Synapse Ventures, Inc. C/O Processing Center at PO Box 30468 - Salt Lake City, Utah 84130) to inform me if I didn't call by March 8th to cancel... My account would be charged the above monies... Which I had been told to call 1-800-607-9869 if I wanted to keep these magazines after 3 months... The post card said to call to cancel subscription.

I take notes on these type of calls because I am tired of being riped off... And Ryan knew I was taking notes... Cause he repeated the survey questions for me several times as I was writing them down... As well as any other information I inquired of him.

I want people to see... We don't have to be lied to... About sending free gift cards and such in oder to be scammed into buying magazines. I don't want anything from them... No monies... Except the $2.95 my account was charged for shipping those non-existant WalMart gift cards... Also to 'lose' my number and don't call me again... And I am calling to cancel my subscription order and they had better not try to debit my account... Then I will be taking further actions... Legal actions.

Thank you for your time... Respectfully

Company: Synapse Ventures, Inc C/O Processing Center
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: PO Box 30468
Phone: 61855155071800586
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Central subscription service
WALMART 1000 dollar gift card i did a survey online to win a 1000 walmart gift card i had to buy magazines in order to receive the card, i return i get a select your gift 1000 shoping spree which a home based operation THIS IS A R coon rapids, MN
Walmart gift cards not good

Loyalty Rewards
Consumer Report

Premier shopping rewards
They say if i payed shipping i would receive a 2 gift cards $100, got it and its a rebate and only $100 not 2

Text scam Internet

MAGAZINECO They lied to you even for $4.95

Consumer Magazine Service
Stated they needed my checking account number to cancel, then charged my account

Garden State Readers
GSR - magazine subscription scam

Gift Cards

General Subscription Service
Consumer Report