First Schuhe
Consumer Report


I ordered my son a pair of Air Jordan Retro 3 True Blue's for $129.99.

I received an e-mail from RealyPay confirming my payment of $129.99.

However, my account was hit with $134.12 and a $4.02 International Charge.

I have e-mail FirstSchuhe twice and no response.

How do I go about reporting them other than this site?

Company: First Schuhe
Country: USA
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First Schuhe
Consumer Report

First Schuhe
Consumer Report

First Schuhe
Consumer Report

First Schuhe
Consumer Report

First Schuhe
Consumer Report

First Schuhe
Consumer Report

First Schuhe
Consumer Report

Cheap jordan retro
Scamed my 80.00 wont return e-mails FRAUD

First Schuhe
Consumer Report

First Schuhe
Consumer Report