AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
Consumer Report


Recenly I ordered some items from advmetell on the 18/2 and 21/2/12which I received. After checking my credit card My statement shows that I have been debited another $184.87 from the same company. At no time did I give permission for them to debit any more funds from that account as it was only a trail offer. I do not intent to purshase any thing else from them and I would appreciate my money being given back to me in a prompt manner as I am paying interest on something that I don't have and certainly don't want. Apopreciate your attention to this matter. Regards Alison Carol Hill

Company: AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
Country: USA
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AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
Consumer Report

AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
Consumer Report

AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
Consumer Report

AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
Consumer Report

AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
Consumer Report

AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
Consumer Report

AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
Consumer Report

AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
Consumer Report

AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
Consumer Report

AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
Consumer Report