Total Tendonitis Relief
Refusal to Respond to Emails


I purchased this product online and did not get the slightest relief. The product is guaranteed for a full refund. I have contacted them the only way possible and that is online and have not heard back from them. I have emailed them 4 times with a 2 - 3 week wait period before trying to contact them again.

Company: Total Tendonitis Relief
Country: USA
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Ultra Relief - Myomed
Withdrew money from my account without consent - Myomed stopped and Ultra Relief started withdrawing Was On

Transport Relief
Consumer Report

Quick Relief
NS PRODUCTS LLC, THIS IS THE BILLING ADDRESS, Supposed "Fast Results Guaranteed" Psoriasis Treatment, "Stop the Itching", Totally Ineffective, Refuse to take back product

Total tendonitis relief
Order not recieved

Capitol Tax Relief
Ripoff of $1050 to help get us out of IRS problems false promises

Septic Relief
Septic Relief Now No product recieved, restocking charges never mentioned but are outragous

SCAM RELIEF international

Lincoln Hardship Relief
Nicole Obra I was told that they would be able to remodify my mortgage and if they couldn't I would get my money back. I sent them all my private information and now they will not contact me back and said existi

CSI Relief, Rick G Thompson, Julie D Freeman, Harry marshall Aston Took my money, provided inferior, inefective products, and never provided promised website through which to distribute products and earn commissions and bonuses

Discovery Herbs Gallstone cleanse, natural gallstone relief, cleanse & flush gallstones