Fictitious Business Name Renewal Center
Owner of Company


Misleading!!! Don't get fooled! The form sent by this company is what fooled us and we went ahead and paid it. It looks very much like a government document. We still got a notice from the County asking for $42 renewal after we paid this company $125. When you're busy, you're not looking into details. That's what happened to me. Shame on this company for doing business in a very deceptive way.

Company: Fictitious Business Name Renewal Center
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacramento
Address: 2740 Fulton Avenue, Suite 203
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Fictitious Business Name Renewal Center
Another Victim

Fictitious Business Name Renewal Center
Deceptive attempt to renew Fictitious Business Name

Fictitious Business Name Renewal Center
My business received a Fictitious Business Name Expiration Notice bill for $125.00 to be paid in full by Nov. 30th

Ficticious Business Renewal Center
Deceptive in using the section and laws that you are required to renewal and make payment sent to there office

Fictitious Business Name Renewal Center
FBNRS I received a very official letter with paperwork and a bill requiring me to pay $150.00 to renew my Fictitious Business Name a $35.00 fee to legalize the minor modification in ownership for my small

Fictitious Business Name Renewal Center
Compliance Filing, Inc. Looks official but ISN'T!

Fictitious Business Name Renewal Center
91 year old senior citizen nearly scammed by phony fictitious name renewal center!

Fictitious business name renewal center
Wow! They almost got us!

Fictitious Business Name Renewal Center

Fictitious Business Name Renewal Center
FBNRC Scammed under the guise of a legitimate government agency