Karyna Sinkevich
NYU Hooker, Con-Artist, Master Manipulator, Liar Prostitute, Violent Felon, Con-Artist, Slut, Mattress-Back, Diseased


Ok, so from what I have been able to piece together from private investigators, police officers, FBI agents, and other law enforcement professionals, the way this girl Karyna Sinkevich plays her game is as follows: Every 3-4 years, she reinvents herself and finds a new "Sugar Daddy, " whom she makes pay for and buy her everything, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Problem is, she knows it doesnt work on players and nasty guys, so she always picks the nice guys. All the while however, she works underground as a hooker, stripper, and escort, plying her secret trade, making money numerous strange men with money.

At NYU where she went to college, she was part of an underground NYU College Student Escort Ring which got busted over and over again, sometimes making the newspapers.

Either way, she started out as a Child Prostitute in Europe from her hometown in Belarus, Russia, in such seedy places as Vienna, Prague, Italy, and Spain being pimped out by this Jewish gypsy woman named Sviatlana Veksler and her man friend Iouri Sinkevitch, who go around pretending to be her parents, and are now living in Brooklyn, but in reality they are her pimps and international child abductors.

Karyna Sinkevichs real parents are somewhere in Belarus having either sold her to a child sex ring, or thinking that she was kidnapped, never to return home again.
She was later a young teen prostitute meeting older rich men at such nightclubs at Tenjune in New York as well when she was around 13-16.

Karyna Sinkevich is a Master Manipulator by telling gullible men over and over, that her "parents" physically and mentally abused her, that her "father" Iouri Sinkevitch beats her "mother" Sviatlana Veksler routinely, sometimes hitting her in the head with a wall phone, nearly every single night.

She also b* new gullible men with stories that her past boyfriends abused her as well, but this could not be further from the truth. This is all a ruse to get new rich men to give her money and feel sorry for her, while keeping their wallets open and their mouths shut. You simply cant ask questions about her past because she is a natural born liar and con-artist.

Dont leave your wallets, credit cards, ATM cards, cash, or personal checks around her unattended, because she will most definitely steal the numbers or cash or checks and forge them to her own name and into her own bank account, with small dollar increments in the beginning, ending up in huge amounts towards the end.

If you protest about this bank account draining and try to go to law enforcement, she will threaten to kill you, or that her father "Iouri" will kill you. She has been arrested numerous times, booked, fingerprinted, jailed, and prosecuted in New York City for such types of death threats.

The end comes when the male victim is either bankrupted or dead, and can no longer produce or provide cash money to her anymore. But before she leaves this now bankrupted male host, she spends her time solidifying her next male victim, in secret.

Her latest stint is that she got a job at Kenneth Cole Productions in New York City by finding a new unsuspecting male victim who works there, and then, since she had no experience in fashion whatsoever, and people are literally working for free to get their foot in the door in NYC fashion (not Karyna Sinkevich, who lied on her resume and landed a job there making $50 an hour - how the hell did she get that in this terrible economy, with no experience, after having an arrest record, having been discovered to have lied egregiously on her resume), she began sleeping with and sucking him off, and he got her a job at the company as a "Personal Assistant" in a different department, so no one would suspect that they were previously. Then she switched to his department later on. The exact identity of this "Kenneth Cole Productions" "john" is still unknown at this moment, but hopefully will soon be revealed, hopefully by someone on the inside. It is suspected to be Kenneth Cole himself, who is married to Maria Cuomo, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomos sister.

Meanwhile Karyna Sinkevich still continues on with her nocturnal and extra-office sex business. A typical Russian woman in America. Avoid this woman like the plague. She is dangerous and can not be trusted.

Company: Karyna Sinkevich
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 603 West 50th Street
Phone: 2122651500
Site: kennethcole.com
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Karyna Sinkevich
Herpes STDs, Loose Woman, Cheap, Easy Lay

Karyna Sinkevich of Kenneth Cole Productions New York
Russian Prostitute Russian Whore, Corporate Slut, Cold Hearted Bitch, HIV Positive, Herpes Ridden Skank

Kenneth Cole Productions
Escort Service, Hooker Haven, Slut Central Hookers Everywhere, Prostitutes Hired As "Assistants, " Callgirls Hired To Work for Male Managers

Karyna Sinkevich
Violent Stalker Psychopath Violent, Stalker, Psychopath, Sociopath, Criminal

Scorpio Beauty Salon
Sviatlana veksler run down, illegal aliens, unlicensed, dangerous working conditions, hazardous, unsanitary

Kenneth Cole Productions (KCP)
Cheap goods, sexual harassment, perverted management, overly priced, going bankrupt, hypocrites

New York Child Support

Oceanside Child Protective Services
Child Emotional Abuse Not Considered a Crim as long as you have food, water, shelte

Prostitute Kirsten Kellogg / Potionsoflife.com
CON ARTIST, EXTORTIONIST Kirsten Kellogg, prostitute, blackmailer and extortionist. Con Artist. Beware people!

Family Courts/Chid Support Collections
NY - Father's Rights VS. Court ordered Child Support Biased, and unfair to the non - custodial fathers - Dead beat dads & Moms Osawego County Syracuse