Sett company ltd credit card fraud. Unsecure website. Criminal activity. Chanthaburi


Warning credit card fraud.
Please read this and be warned. Do not make the same mistake I made.

I ordered 3 gemstones for Christmas. The website looked very nice. However I did notice that their payment system was flawed as they didnt use Verification by Visa. I should have stopped at this point.

Also their address was Thailand. Another concern as I worried about security matters there as I knew the country is high on the corruption list and that the web is full of incidents concerning on-line fraud based in Thailand.

However, the website looks v professional. I ordered my gemstones as Christmas was approaching and I had left everything to the last minute.

The DAY AFTER I placed my order my CREDIT CARD WAS EMPTIED! Someone had used it to order $4,500 of various gifts. A Rolex watch, two laptops and a gold ring. My credit card company told me the goods were bought in Bangkok!

I rang Gemselct, as instructed by my credit card company, to inform them. I was spoken to by a very angry man who didnt speak very good English. He told me not to call him again. The same day I received an email from Gemselect with my home address at the bottom. It told me that they would take ' action' against me if I persisted in my claim! I was obviously very alarmed and quite scared. I have a wife and 3 children to take care of.

I am very annoyed at myself for being so stupid. I have been told my a friend who has various web sites that most on-line retailers WRITE THEIR OWN FAKE REVIEWS.!

I have since researched GemSelect and found that they used E-BAY before and used the company name SETT Company Ltd. They wre thrown off E-BAY for FRAUD.!!

I hope that people read this review before placing any order and handing over their Credit Card details. Its just not worth the months of hassle I have had since with my CREDIT FILE.!

Company: GemSelect
Country: USA
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