EPC2 Marquee
Consumer Report


They called me and told me that this was for a pre paid debit with the amount of 5500.00 on it with a 2% intrest on it and told me that it would be 99.00 for this and that was all im still waiting for card and of course they have my money!!! I want my money back how do i do that?

Company: EPC2 Marquee
Country: USA
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EPC2 Marquee
Consumer Report

EPC2 Marquee
Consumer Report

EPC2 Marquee
Consumer Report

EPC2 Marquee
Consumer Report

EPC2 Marquee
Consumer Report

EPC2 Marquee
Consumer Report

EPC2 Marquee
Consumer Report

EPC2 Marquee
Consumer Report

EPC2 Marquee
Consumer Report

Household Auto Finance, HSBC
Unfair buisness practices, overcharge intrest rates Ripoff