Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report


This company is a hoax! Winning that much money via mail—come on!!! And just like all the others if they are only asking for $20, gimme a break, it costs more that that for a company to deliver actual cash to your home! These people need to be imprisoned for taking even $20 from anyone, and with all people like my sister, they are ROLLIN IN CASH from people sending their hard earned money! Wake up people, read the papers, watch the news, nothing in America is free anymore... The BBB states that they don't respond to complaints, has anyone thought about contacting the FBI!!!???

Company: Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
ZIP: 33340
Address: PO Box 409006
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Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Co., P.O. B 409006, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33340
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report