Devil Pass
Consumer Report


I joined shag book and sent a message to one of the girl that was a
advertising i got a message back with a email address i sent a message and i got a reply back saying i should join devil pass because its a safe and secure to have a discreet chat i was told it was only 99pence for a one day trial i gave gave my bank details and i was given a username and password i tried to click on the link quite a few times but it wasn't letting me i went to the bank the following day and noticed the money missing i did not give devil pass authority to take my money i would like to sue them for the heartacke they have caused.

Company: Devil Pass
Country: USA
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Consumer Report

Dirt Devil
I ended up with 2 different colored vacuum cleaner. Talk about cheap!

Sun Devil Auto
SUN DEVIL AUTO Cheap Parts, Bad Warranties! They Turn Nasty Once Your Confront! Bringing in my car to them was like opening Pandora's Box, one problem after another!

Dirt Devil
Awful quality product

Sun Devil Auto
Lies - Told me 3 different times something needed to be fixed and it didn't

Mobile Candy Free Messages
Consumer Report

Sun Devil Auto repair #7
They Killed Our Kia

American Arbitration Assoc
American Arbitration Assoc boldly more malicious than the Devil

B4l Red Devil Grills
The red devil really blows fire
Consumer Report