Cheney, Bush
Lying to Americans, Destroying our Freedoms, Jobs, Farms and Making us the World's enemy


PHILADELPHIA REPENT AMERICA, an evangelistic ministry based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Columbia Christians for Life in Columbia, South Carolina have released a new website calling Christians across the nation to re-think voting for George W. Bush in the upcoming presidential election. was launched on the world-wide-web today to provide Christians with articles, information, and commentaries on Bush's pattern of anti-Christian behavior in the last several years, and is challenging them not to remain in bondage to the two-party system. was developed to serve as notice to Christians across the nation that President George W. Bush over the past few years has compromised his "Christian faith" by promoting evil and openly supporting wickedness.

However, Christians believe that they have no other choice but to vote for the lesser of two evils. "So many well-meaning Christians continue to reject the Truth about President Bush for the sake of conservatism. As Christians, we are not conservatives, but disciples of Jesus Christ who recognize and proclaim where right and wrong come from, therefore we must vote righteously, stated Michael Marcavage, a field preacher with the Philadelphia-based REPENT AMERICA.

The Bible says He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD' [Proverb 17:15], stated Steve Lefemine, director of Columbia Christians for Life. President Bush has repeatedly, and continues, to justify the wicked; from advancing the homosexual agenda, to funding abortionists, to praising Islam, to signing unconstitutional bills into law that further socialism and shred our Bill of Rights, Lefemine continued. We are not talking about an error or two that Bush has made in his time as president, rather a pattern of ungodly decisions to embrace and promote evil, stated Marcavage.

The scripture declares, Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Matthew 7:20 Bush claims to be a Christian, but his works do not attest to this, Marcavage Titus 1:16 the scripture says, They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

We invite Christians to take a look at the website and investigate for themselves the documentation and history of Bush's anti-Christian words and deeds, Lefemine the November elections, my prayer, hope, and plea with Christians is to vote for righteousness, he says. The Bible says that Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people' [Proverb 14:34]. Christians should stop wasting their votes on people who will not stand up for righteousness. Lefemine said, If Christians will repent of the unbiblical practice of voting for evil, even the lesser of evils, and vote for righteousness, inspecting, say, the Constitution Party candidate and others to discern whether they have biblically-based, constitutionalist positions, then we will most wisely position ourselves to receive God's blessing, power, anointing, and deliverance, for the healing of our sin-sick land. As for President Bush, we call him to repentance and encourage all Christians to pray for him, Marcavage said. References:
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Company: Cheney, Bush
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington
Address: 1600 Pennsyvania Ave
Phone: 2024561414
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President George Bush
George Bush does not understand his people or his jo

George W. Bush
Ripoff Bush is a repulsive president who lied to invade a sovereign nation for OIL and hikes the gas prices for Americans! Washington District of Columbia

President George Bush
George Bush does not deserve to be president

George Bush
Dubya, Curious Liar, cheater, scam artist, deceiver to Americans

Elections Systems, Inc. Partisan Corporation. Elected George W. Bush in Ohio for 2nd Term Presidency. Used partisan politics to promote the illegal transaction of cheating the electorate out of 200,000 votes in states of Ohio, Florida and California

George W. Bush
Ripoff to the American public George W. Bush - AT@T, BellSouth, Verizon, releasing private information to the government. Nationwide

George W. Bush
U.S. Government Misleading the American People political corruption tricked and lied to us

President George Bush
Thank you

Mark Dice - John Conner - The Resistance Manifesto
DO NOT buy into it! Ripoff!