Consumer Report


This was an internet surfing program in which you were required to watch ten adverts each night and clikc on each advert un til you had reached ten. One laso had to invest fairly large sums of money to double / triple your profits. Sadly I lost $5000 of my own money and the mystery person behind this scam fled the USA with an estimated $32,000, 000. One only has to do a GOOgle searech to see the stories of broken promises etc.

Country: USA
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Studio Traffic
Deposit $1000 in autosurf program, never received any money ripoff Internet

Studiotraffic AKA Studiowalker
Studiotraffic, Studiowalker refused to report refund instead of earnings so Stormpay would refund large fee

Con me into investing my own money ripoff
Ripoff my money from their program United State Of America

Ripoff, the company was a scam Internet

Studiotraffic Aka Studiopay
Ripoff Closed down without notice nor refund

Studio Traffic
Studiotraffic doesnt give money back ripoff

Studio traffic
Studiotraffic is a trap ripoff

Studiotraffic - Studiopay
Is a kind of Ponzi scam and has ripped off thousands of people

Studio Traffic
Rip off no payouts and now now longer available