Universal web consulting
Scam Bugs! Internet


Found a very appealing invitation on internet a couple ofmonths ago saying if you want to earn a profitable business online. So I signup, but when they ask for my credit card or debit card details, I cancel theregistration not knowing they have saved my details. A few minutes later someonephone me about it from Phoenix persuading me to try it with only $1.95 for thewhole month. With all the promising videos and talks on the phone I gave up andfell into the trap. I developed my websites and promote stuffs for Amazon. Comlike a merchandiser with them telling me how to do it. My websites looksamazing and very professional. I was then anticipating my earning like whatthey show in the videos: Once you're online you're website will start earning! Well then I was full of anticipation, hoping that this will work and I can earnmoney from home.

Unfortunately, day after day I check my website's earning andto my dismay it's $0.00! Every night I have received a phone call almost fromdifferent agent telling me to improve the website. And to improve it I have topay this and that. They are asking me how my financial situation is and I toldthem I got no job and I need an income especially towards Christmas. They takeadvantage of my situation telling me if I invest time and money to my websitethey will be helping me to reach my goal and dreams, (which all a sweet wordsfrom scam bugs of course)! I was so naive to believe those people, and payalmost 400 for an online course to improve my website and providing theguaranteed 2,500 visitors to my website in 6 months. And every night they stillphoned me and telling me to give them more money so my website will startearning! I was frustrated of listening to them after a while and I realizedI've been scammed! Phoned my bank to cancel my card. I don't know how long they closed my website because it is now inactive!

Company: Universal web consulting
Country: USA
Site: uwccorp.com
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Universal web consulting
Universal web corp UWC will take you to the cleaners with promises of riches. Throw your money their way but dont expect much for it

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