Assist 123
Consumer Report


Same story as the others, but I was given the wrong number to call by our HR person, for my Short term disability group, So when I reached them, I thought it was a legitimate call. Within minutes of the never ending confirming call, I called back to try and cancel, they give yu so many numbers you don't know who to call. I finally got ahold of someone and they said it would take 72 hours to process and be able to cancel. Two days later I called and cancelled the transaction. I even got a transaction #. I called today to find out where my refund was and there are no phone numbers that work for Assit 123. I am out my $3.95, and I sure hope that is all they take from me. I am considering cancelling my debit card, you just can't trust people, it is such a shame.

Company: Assist 123
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
ZIP: 33133
Address: 2140 S Dixie Hwy, Ste. 201
Phone: 8665861162
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Universal Buyers Club
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My Grant Dollars
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ETeacher Group
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CIC Triple Advantage
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First Capital Consumer Group

Assist 123
Consumer Report

Motor Vehicle Services and EFG. And Omnisure
Consumer Report

Nationwide Home Warranty
Your worst nightmare

UOL Unauthorized charge on my credit card. Run around and loops on website to cancel. Different numbers to call with limited hours Did not cancel the membership when I called and charged my credit card. Site