Regina perkins
Consumer Report


I did not want this page i told you that i need my 99.00 i am on ssi and disability i would my 99.00 back, i do not no what this page is all about can you take me off this page, i have adhd i do not wright very good i do not no what this page is. So if i can get my money back thank you so very much.

Company: Regina perkins
Country: USA
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Yelp Yelp Fraud - Yelp Extortion - No Way to Fight Back

Micro Force
Another Microforce bait & switch story New York

Healthydiscountcard AKA Unlimitedmusicdownloads
Ripoff Charged me $59.95 one day, two days later $99.95 from credit card

It is exactly as same as you, it is frauld
Consumer Report

Latinstar9 Regina Scherer
Mother regina, regina oya, Extremely Honest and Helpful
This site is a cover page leading to a scam page either called or Ripoff
Consumer Report

Survey Bag
Consumer Report
The following contact details must be used: placed bid in time (fact) directed me to top of page could not get to bid bar in time to bid again it was over
Consumer Report