Synergy Nutra
Consumer Report


Ordered free sample of Acaiberry for $4.95 used credit card, Have a charge for 97.50 on my credit card for pills i did not order. I did not knowling sign up for refill program. I have the charge and as yet no pills. Chargedn 12/27

Company: Synergy Nutra
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85043
Address: Advanced Protein Systems, LLC 601 South 54th Ave., Suite 101
Phone: 8668663993
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FX Supplements
Charged for pills I didn't receive

Performance Health USA, LLC
Unauthorized shipment and charge to my credit card

Synergy Nutra
Consumer Report

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals - Altovis
Lifekey/Altovis rip-off! They billed my bank card for an unauthorized order.internet

Colon Cleanse MD, Nubodi
Ordered trial sample, and within days they sent bottle of 90 pills and charged to my credit card

Lean RX
Unauthorized charge of $79.95 to my credit card

Askavlimil Or 4avlimil
Rip Off-Dishonest-Fraudulent Billing on my credit card.internet


Performance Health USA, LLC
Charging my credit card for purchases I did not purchase Provo Utah

After ordering a sample of diet pills company sent another and charged $79.95. I did not order any