Consumer Report


I sent off for a free trial of Lean Slim Ultra via the intranet months ago and never received anything. Suddenly two packages arrived both on the same day. The paper work inside each was dated 2 days apart. On receiving my recent creditcard statement a charge or £1.99 and a second charge of £2.99 were taken on the same day and then a third payment of £37.81 was taken 2 days later. There are no contact details for this company. I contacted my creditcard company and they have changed my creditcard number so no futher payment will be able to be taken. They have passed this over to their disputes department who will investigate and pass onto there fraud department if found to be a scam. Any help to get the money they have already taken will be grately appreciated. This is the first and last time I every do this again. Carol Henderson.

Country: USA
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Lean Slim Ultra / Lean Slim Cleanse
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Lean Slim Ultra / Lean Slim Cleanse
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Lean Slim Ultra / Lean Slim Cleanse
Consumer Report

Lean Slim Ultra / Lean Slim Cleanse
Consumer Report

Beach Ready, LLC, Tri-Slim, ColoCure
They keep charging my creditcard falsley

Datesnow Pty. Ltd
Datesnow Pty Ltd ripoff by multiple charges on 1 creditcard statement, for unknown website
Consumer Report
Consumer Report