Consumer Report


I bought the bellaplex and hydroxatone online and was charged as was advertised but then on 30 November the sum of £48.01 was collected for each of the above products then again on 30th December but for £47.50 for each this time. The first time I thought I'd made a mistake and did not get round to checking with Urban Nutrition the bona fide company. It is only now seeing that this has happened again that i realise it must be a scam of some kind. I also remember this company calling my number and trying to get me to do business with them. That was soon after I had been online.

Company: BPXGlobal.com
Country: USA
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ACM Bellaplex & ACM Hydroxatone
Consumer Report

ACM Bellaplex & ACM Hydroxatone
Consumer Report

ACM Bellaplex & ACM Hydroxatone
Consumer Report

Urban nutrition new jersey
Bellaplex currency exchange rip off

Acm Hydroxatone & Acm Bellaplex
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Urban Nutrition LLC/Bellaplex
Urban Nutrition, Bellaplex dishonest and has fraudulent practices

Bellaplex.com, Beautifulreviews.com, Urban-nutrition.com, Miracleburn.com Bellaplex
Scam - rip off - people watch out!"bellaplex warning"

Consumer Report

Consumer Report