Cash Advance USA
Customer Affairs and Business Regulations Claimed I borrowed money and did not pay it back scam


Received a phone call that said I was getting arrested today. I have three pending crimes against that include check fraud. I was told that I had borrowed money from cash advance online and that the sherriff will be showing up to arrest me within 2 hours.
I was told that I now owe over $3000 and that I will need to get a lawyer before I go to court. I asked when this loan suppossedly happened. The man who called hisself Nathan Rice got a very ugly attitude and said I need to pay back my loans and that I am wrong and deserve everything I have coming to me and hung up. I called back and asked to speak to someone else. He would not put anyone else on the phone.
He said that this loan happened before Oct but would not give me an exact date. I told him that I hace not gotten any money and would not pay a dime. He hung up on me again. The cops never came and arrested me.

Company: Cash Advance USA
Country: USA
Phone: 818033703051
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Consumer Report

Cash advance USA
Don't fall for scam, know the facts and no scam will be made